In 1859, before departing
for New Zealand from Gartvaigh Farm in southern Kintyre, Robert
McNair Ryburn was given a large bible by his mother Isabella (nee
McNair) Ryburn. This bible, now with my cousin Tim Gray, of Dunedin, New Zealand,
is so big it must have taken up the better part of Robert's sea
chest. Inside the cover, on the first blank page, Isabella wrote the inscription transcribed below.
On the following page is recorded Robert and Sophia's birth
and marriage dates, and the birth and baptism dates of all their
children -- and who baptised them.
Illustrated at right :- Gartvaigh Farmhouse today.
Photo courtesy Paula Ryburn, Richmond, Texas, August 2009.
Presented by Mrs James Ryburn
to her beloved son
on his leaving the Parental Home, and his native land, to emigrate to
New Zealand
as a token of maternal love and regard for him and
With the hope and wishes which alone a mother can feel for his future
welfare, both spiritually and temporally --- that he will ever cherish
a sincere recollection of home, its associations, and of the
consistent example and instruction set before him there; and with the
trust that he will ever make this volume a directory to his life ---
in all his ways, acknowledging God, that He may direct his path.
Gartvaigh, 10 May 1859

Hand-Shearing Sheep at Gartvaigh Farm, probably about 1920.
Last Updated 19 December, 20011